Friday, September 10, 2004

we stayed on this farm.

looking towards the glacier

So much empty space.

The road to nowhere?


Its such a dramatic landscape.

Vitamin2K and Hudini!

This breathtaking waterfall was really invigorating.

...there it is half way.

And look at him go...

One of Icelands famous geisers, pre exploding.

Land of the midnight sun.

The view outside.

Hudini writes in the visitors book, whilst MrT has a good look around.

Vitamin2K inside, looking at a portrait of her sister

Vitamin2k's Icelandic summer cottage

Vitamin2K and Hudini walk down the ancient track

Furry moss grows on the volcanic larva.

I stared into the brilliant blue green, and wished for a garden.

If you threw a coin down here, you could make a wish.

The fabulous MrT at this site

Pengviller sight of the old viking parliament.

Mr T. sitting down beside a brilliant turquoise lake

Vitamin2K picked us up from the airport and took us straight to the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa amidst the volcanic rocks.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Aurora and Mr.T took the bold step of travelling to Iceland during the summer solstice 2004. Her we are at one of the worlds most northerly waterfalls.